ActiveMQ https

ActiveMQ supports tunneling JMS over https to transparently traverse firewalls, but the documentation doesn't indicate how to configure it and relevant examples were lacking via google. After hacking for half a day I finally stumbled upon the simple solution. Keep in mind that you will want to create you own keys and certificate. For testing I just used the ones provided in the activemq/conf dir.

Simply configure an https transport connector in conf/activemq.xml and pass the keystore, password, and truststore to activemq when started.


<amq:transportconnector uri="">

activemq start parameters

import self-signed cert into client jdk keystore

cd /path/jdk1.7.0_15/jre/lib/security
keytool -import -trustcacerts -file /path/activemq/conf/broker-localhost.cert -alias activemq -keystore cacerts

Keytool examples can be found here

The jdk cacerts truststore/keystore default password is 'changeit' ('changeme' or 'changeit' on MAC)

The official documentation has one broken link and another link that points to configuring jetty which is unnecessary and created bind conflicts. Some activemq documentation references activemq-jetty.xml for which there is no documentation or examples. 

The document indicates adding httpclient and xstream dependencies to the classpath of the client. It doesn't indicate that they can be found in the activemq/lib dir. In fact you have to add quite a few other dependencies from the lib dir before the client will be able to communicate over http or https. After adding several additional libs one at a time and continuing to get new errors, I finally just added all jars in the lib dir and the client started communicating.

Adding an http or https transport connector in conf/activemq.xml causes jetty to get spun up, but it doesn't use the conf/jetty.xml. The http transport works fine, but the https always threw a handshake failed message on the client and an SSLHandshakeException: no cipher suites in common on the server side. It also always asked for passwords when starting activemq. Once you pass the above parameters to the start script it won't ask for the password.

The following error occurs on the client if a self-signed cert was used on the server and was not imported into the clients truststore:

Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target 


kolistivra said…
Thanks for the article! As you said, there's no real document about this issue online. However, I got stuck trying to apply your tutorial. Can you please help? I asked the question in for greater good

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