Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Java Development Environment Configuration
Install and configure environment:
- Download the Ubuntu 64bit LTS install image
- Create a bootable DVD or flash drive
- Install Ubuntu
- Update software
- Install gnome classic
- Synaptic Package Manager
- PulseAudio Preferences - open and check the Make discoverable...
- PulseAudio Volume Control
- OpenConnect Cisco VPN client
Update grub to reduce wait seconds
sudo gedit /etc/default/grub
#change timeout from 10 to 2 or whatever
sudo grub-update
sudo grub-update
Install gnome classic
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback
Fix 14.10 vanishing cursor with sudo apt-get install ibus-gtk
- Reboot and select Classic before logging in
Install Network Manager Open Connect Plugins (for Cisco VPN configuration)
- Open Applications : System Tools : Adinistration : Synaptic Package Manger
- Search for network-manager-openconnect
- Mark both entries for installation and apply
Add launch icons to top menu/launcher/toolbar with
Super(Window Key) + Alt + Mouse Right Click
Rearrange launcher icons with:Super(Window Key) + Alt + Mouse Right Click
Alt + Mouse Middle click and drag
Remove launcher icon with:
Super(Window Key) + Alt + Mouse Right Click then Remove From Panel
Open Firefox and search for Google Chrome, download and install the 64bit version
Open Applications : System Tools : System Settings and:
- update Brightness and Lock to reduce display shutdown time
- update Power for appropriate low power and screen close actions
- update Mouse & Touchpad to disable touchpad and accelerate the mouse
- in appearance you can enable menus on windows for Unity, unnecessary in Classic
- set View new folders using: List View
- gparted
- KDiff3
- Graphical Disk Map
- Revelation Password Manager
uncompress and untar into ~/java with
tar xfz jdk-8u31-linux-x64.tar.gz
create symlink with:
create symlink with:
ln -s ~/java/jdk1.8.0_31 jdk
gedit ~/.profile and add:
gedit ~/.profile and add:
export JAVA_HOME='~/java/jdk'
Download and install the latest:
Download and install the latest:
- ssh-server: sudo apt-get install openssh-server
- curl: sudo apt-get install curl
- Eclipse - uncompress and create launcher icon
- Intellij IDEA
- Netbeans
- git: sudo apt-get install git
- subversion: sudo apt-get install subversion libapache2-svn
- gradle - uncompress, create home and path, and add alias gradle='gradle --daemon'
- maven - uncompress, create home and path
- Samurai (GUI tabbed tail, thread dumps, GC)
- Thread Dump Analyzer (TDA)
- JProfiler
- ActiveMQ - uncompress, create home and path
- JBoss
- Tomcat
- SQLDeveloper from Oracle - uncompress and add launcher icon
- SQL Oracle Client
- VirtualBox - open nautilus and double click on .deb file to install in Ubuntu Software Center
- Ansible - install tutorial, see config section below
- Sublime Text 2 - uncompress and add launcher icon
- Skype - open nautilus and double click on .deb file to install in Ubuntu Software Center
Eclipse plugins
- EclEmma - code coverage
- Subclipse - tigris subversion
- Egit - official eclipse git support
Google Chrome Extensions:
- Hangouts
- Voice
- Calendar
Ansible Configuration
Configure ansible:
In /etc/ansible/hosts comment out all entries and add an entry like the following for your machines IP
> ansible_connection=local
In /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg add an entry like the following with your linux username
> ansible_ssh_user=someUserName
uncomment both:
ask_sudo_pass = True
ask_pass = True
uncomment both:
ask_sudo_pass = True
ask_pass = True
sudo apt-get install openssh-server