Linux rfcomm serial communication
Scan to discover Bluetooth device
Pair with Bluetooth device
Connect with SPP
In one shell/terminal - pipe the input from the Bluetooth device to a file
less -f /dev/rfcomm0 then ctrl+F
tail -f /dev/rfcomm0
cat /dev/rfcomm0 > datalog.txt
In another shell/terminal - echo some command to the Bluetooth device
echo "8;" > /dev/rfcomm0
Quit the cat command
Inspect the output
less datalog.txt
Pair with Bluetooth device
Connect with SPP
In one shell/terminal - pipe the input from the Bluetooth device to a file
less -f /dev/rfcomm0 then ctrl+F
tail -f /dev/rfcomm0
cat /dev/rfcomm0 > datalog.txt
In another shell/terminal - echo some command to the Bluetooth device
echo "8;" > /dev/rfcomm0
Quit the cat command
Inspect the output
less datalog.txt