Oracle data pump


1. Ensure that a directory is setup for the data pump in oracle
  a. Create the directory on the physical system
  b. Login via SQLPlus as a dba account
   i. CREATE DIRECTORY <friendly_name> AS ‘/path/to/dump/dir’;
   ii. commit;
   iii. GRANT READ, WRITE ON DIRECTORY <friendly_name> to <schema_user>
   iv. commit;
2. Run the export
  a. expdp username/password<@SID> DUMPFILE=<output_filename.dmp> LOGFILE=<logfile.log> DIRECTORY=<friendly_name>


1. Ensure that a directory is setup for the data pump in oracle
  a. Create the directory on the physical system
  b. Login via SQLPlus as a dba account
   i. CREATE DIRECTORY <friendly_name> AS ‘/path/to/dump/dir’;
   ii. commit;
   iii. GRANT READ, WRITE ON DIRECTORY <friendly_name> to <schema_user>
   iv. commit;
2. Run the import
  a. impdp username/password<@SID> DUMPFILE=<input_filename.dmp> LOGFILE=<import_log.log> DIRECTORY=<friendly_name> TRANSFORM=OID:N REMAP_SCHEMA=<Source_Schema>:<Destination_Schema>
  b. NOTE: the REMAP_SCHEMA is only needed if changing the schema names between source and destination.
3. Recompile any remaining invalid objects


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