Setting up Stunnel for HAProxy SSL support

Stunnel requires OpenSSL

Solaris 10 already has OpenSSL, so skip the following part:

Download OpenSSL source here

$ cd /usr/local/util
$ wget
$ gunzip openssl-0.9.8k-sol10-x86-local.gz
$ pkgadd -d openssl-0.9.8k-sol10-x86-local
$ rm openssl-0.9.8k-sol10-x86-local

If building from source:

OpenSSL requires Perl 5

$ perl -version
This is perl, v5.8.4 built for i86pc-solaris-64int

Build and install OpenSSL as follows:

$ ./config
$ make
$ make test
$ make install

OpenSSL installs in /usr/local/ssl by default.

Get Stunnel source here

The Stunnel version needs to be one that there is an HAProxy x-forwarded-for patch for, i.e., 4.22

$ cd /usr/local/util
$ wget
$ gunzip stunnel-4.22.tar.gz
$ tar -xvf stunnel-4.22.tar
$ rm stunnel-4.22.tar

Download appropriate Stunnel x-forwarded-for source IP patch from HAProxy site

$ wget
$ file stunnel-4.22-xforwarded-for.diff
$ gunzip stunnel-4.22-xforwarded-for.diff

If on Solaris, you want to download and install a better implementation of patch:

$ wget
$ gunzip patch-2.5.9-sol10-x86-local.gz
$ pkgadd -d patch-2.5.9-sol10-x86-local
$ rm patch-2.5.9-sol10-x86-local
$ hash -r

Apply the patch

$ patch -p1 < {/path/to/patch/file}

$ patch -p1 < stunnel-4.22-xforwarded-for.diff
$ rm stunnel-4.22-xforwarded-for.diff

Stunnel compile instructions

$ cd stunnel-VERSION

On Solaris
$ ./configure --with-ssl=/usr/sfw --disable-libwrap
$ ./configure

$ make
$ make install

HAProxy + Stunnel description

Create keys and self-signed certificate with keytool:

keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -alias test_rsa -keystore myKeystore.jks

At this point we assume you created keys and CSR with Java keytool.
Extract cert and private key from Java Keystore .jks file with Portecle a simple Java GUI tool that can export keys and certificates.

Click open
Select the keystore
Enter the password
Right click on the key
Click Export
Select Private Key and Certificates
Select PEM Encoded
Click OK
Enter the password
Click OK
Don't enter a password unless you want to enter it every time when starting stunnel
Click OK
Enter a filename
Click Export

If the Cert in the keystore is just a CSR that was not signed and you received that back from the signing authority separate, replace the certificate in the file with the signed one you received from the signing authority.

Copy this .pem file to your server wherever your stunnel.conf points to or will point to for the keys and certificates.

Edit or create your stunnel.conf file possibly in /etc/stunnel per docs, but you can put it anywhere you like.

Example stunnel.conf:

;key = /usr/local/etc/stunnel/some_key_file_if_separate.pem
;setuid = nobody
;setgid = nogroup

pid = /etc/stunnel/
debug = 3
output = /etc/stunnel/stunnel.log



As an alternative to inet.d and services, you can start stunnel as a daemon with:

/usr/local/bin/stunnel /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf

You will likely want to create a script to start, stop, and restart it and link it in the /etc/rc2.d dir so it auto-starts/stops at boot and shutdown.

In HAProxy config file be sure to add the except keyword in the listen section so that HAProxy does not overwrite the x-forwarded-for http header property injected by stunnel or you will lose the source ip and every connection will appear to come from the stunnel server in the access logs:

mode http
balance roundrobin
option forwardfor except

If you want to use SSL between HAProxy and backend servers, create an stunnel configuration file for each server and start stunnel for each server. In each stunnel configuration file specify a different accept port and the appropriate connect address and port for its backend server, i.e.,

pid = /etc/stunnel/
debug = 3
output = /etc/stunnel/client-stunnel.log



In HAProxy update the server directives to forward to the new stunnel instances which will re-encrypt data before forwarding to the backend servers. Additionally, the backend servers must be configured for SSL on the port specified in the stunnel connect directive. This might be done by the service itself or another instance of stunnel.

Notes on certificates and browsers:

If the path in the certificate and the URL don't match:
Firefox defaults won't let you add the certificate as an exception
Internet Explorer defaults will let you add the certificate as an exception and let you navigate to the site. IE will display the URL field in red and show a Certificate Error in red next to the address field.

Shutdown script:


DIRNAME=`dirname $0`

if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
echo " usage: stopStunnel {stunnelName}"
exit 1

vpid=`cat $DIRNAME/$`
echo $vpid

# shutdown running stunnel
if [ -n "$vpid" ] ; then
echo "killing stunnel: $1"
kill $vpid
echo "stunnel not running: $1"


Nosugref said…
Thanks for the writeup! If you're trying to do this on Fedora 8, in addition to installing openssl, you need:

yum install openssl-devel

or else you'll get the error:

"Couldn't find your SSL library installation dir"

Just posting this to help the next person...

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