Linux/Unix misc
bash, profile, sourcing, environment inheritance, et. al.
network connection monitoring tcptrack
Use the following to avoid coding paths or using environment variables in scripts:
BASEDIR=$(dirname $0)
Erasing contents of a file with /dev/zero
Creating a RamDisk
List CPUs and types:
cat /proc/cpuinfo
Filesystem structure
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)
chrontab quick reference
LD_LIBRARY_PATH - don't set it, set-uid programs ignore it
List linked files
Iterate what make install will do:
make -n install <makefile>
Virtual IP configuration: Unix, Linux, Windows
HA failover with keepalived: Linux
HA through award-winning 'Failover': Solaris, Linux
Load balancing/clustering: Window, Linux
Ultra Monkey: load balancing and HA
To kill process where pid is in file:
backtick replaces command with command execution, see bash programming
kill `cat pid.file`
Reboot Solaris:
shutdown -y -i6 -g0
Solaris logs:
dmesg command - kernel message buffer (boot messages)
/etc/syslog.conf to see where logging goes
/usr/adm - symlink to /var/adm
Limit process cpu usage:
limit, ulimit, unlimit, nice
Create and assign processes to cpu sets:
psradm, psrinfo, psrset, processor_bind,
processor_info, sysconf, attributes
download remote files:
wget lt;&url>
Patching: HOWTO patch source code: Wikipedia
'sudo su - toor' - root backwards for alternate root access use for alternate shell
'hash -r' - clears shells remembered locations, use after adding package or updating path
file <filename> - states file contents, i.e., gzipped
Redirect stdout and stderr to file:
<command> %> <filename>
Run in background and continue after exit:
nohup <command> &
grep "str1" someFile | grep "str2"
egrep 'str1.*str2' someFile
if you don't know the order of the strings:
egrep 'str1.*str2|str2.*str1' someFile
kill particular process
ps -ef | egrep -e SomeProcName -e AdditionalText | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
ps aux | egrep -e jboss | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
find . -exec {grep} \;
Traversing directories that you don't own:
You must have read and execute permissions.
Benchmarking Tools
Bonnie - filesystem performance benchmarking tool
Start script with 'nohup scriptName &'
Or execute 'disown' to stop signal propagation
Shell job control:
Ctrl-Z - pauses the current shell process and puts it in the background with the next shell job number starting at 1
bg [job number || %n] || '%1 &' - continue the process in the background as if started with '&'
fg [job number || %n] - continue the process in the foreground
jobs -l - list status of background jobs
kill $(pgrep java)
/usr/sbin/lsof -i :8080
Find open files for a process by PID:
lsof -P -n -p 1234
-P inhibits conversion of network port numbers to port names (faster)
-n inhibits conversion of network addresses to host names (faster)
find . -print0 | xargs -0 grep ""
for jar in *.jar; do echo $jar; unzip -l ${jar} | grep SomeText; done
find . -name target | xargs rm -rf
find . -name target | ls -al
find . -name "*.xml" -print0 | xargs -0 grep 23799
Kill all SqlDeveloper sessions
ps aux | grep sql | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
Foreground/background jobs
Ctrl-Z bg
Find space hogging files:
sudo su
cd /
find . -size +50000k -exec du -h {} \; > largeFiles
less largeFiles
Monitor TCP traffic:
sudo tcpdump -X -i lo 'port 9042'
sudo tcpdump host
sudo tcpdump port
sudo tcpdump -D to get localhost
sudo tcpdump -i 6.lo port 8500 to watch localhost traffic to port 8500
Keeping process running when exiting SSH:
List settings:
sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda7
find standalone/ -name "*.jar" -exec jar tf {} \; -ls > ~/tmp/all-jboss-libs.txt
Find interface speed
Screen: allows post no-hup and backgrounding of processes
Mount ISO
mkdir ~/media/<some-mount-point>
sudo mount ~/some.iso ~/media/<some-mount-point> -o loop
Update interfaces without restarting
vi /etc/network/interfaces
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
ifdown eth0:1
ifup eth0:1
To dynamically change interface mtu
ifconfig eth0 mtu 65520
To identify Ubuntu release
lsb_release -a
To test service in script
bash, profile, sourcing, environment inheritance, et. al.
network connection monitoring tcptrack
Use the following to avoid coding paths or using environment variables in scripts:
BASEDIR=$(dirname $0)
Erasing contents of a file with /dev/zero
Creating a RamDisk
List CPUs and types:
cat /proc/cpuinfo
Filesystem structure
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)
chrontab quick reference
LD_LIBRARY_PATH - don't set it, set-uid programs ignore it
List linked files
Iterate what make install will do:
make -n install <makefile>
Virtual IP configuration: Unix, Linux, Windows
HA failover with keepalived: Linux
HA through award-winning 'Failover': Solaris, Linux
Load balancing/clustering: Window, Linux
Ultra Monkey: load balancing and HA
To kill process where pid is in file:
backtick replaces command with command execution, see bash programming
kill `cat pid.file`
Reboot Solaris:
shutdown -y -i6 -g0
Solaris logs:
dmesg command - kernel message buffer (boot messages)
/etc/syslog.conf to see where logging goes
/usr/adm - symlink to /var/adm
Limit process cpu usage:
limit, ulimit, unlimit, nice
Create and assign processes to cpu sets:
psradm, psrinfo, psrset, processor_bind,
processor_info, sysconf, attributes
download remote files:
wget lt;&url>
Patching: HOWTO patch source code: Wikipedia
'sudo su - toor' - root backwards for alternate root access use for alternate shell
'hash -r' - clears shells remembered locations, use after adding package or updating path
file <filename> - states file contents, i.e., gzipped
Redirect stdout and stderr to file:
<command> %> <filename>
Run in background and continue after exit:
nohup <command> &
grep "str1" someFile | grep "str2"
egrep 'str1.*str2' someFile
if you don't know the order of the strings:
egrep 'str1.*str2|str2.*str1' someFile
kill particular process
ps -ef | egrep -e SomeProcName -e AdditionalText | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
ps aux | egrep -e jboss | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
find . -exec {grep} \;
Traversing directories that you don't own:
You must have read and execute permissions.
Benchmarking Tools
Bonnie - filesystem performance benchmarking tool
Start script with 'nohup scriptName &'
Or execute 'disown' to stop signal propagation
Shell job control:
Ctrl-Z - pauses the current shell process and puts it in the background with the next shell job number starting at 1
bg [job number || %n] || '%1 &' - continue the process in the background as if started with '&'
fg [job number || %n] - continue the process in the foreground
jobs -l - list status of background jobs
kill $(pgrep java)
/usr/sbin/lsof -i :8080
ls -l /proc/1234/fd
lsof -p 1234
-P inhibits conversion of network port numbers to port names (faster)
-n inhibits conversion of network addresses to host names (faster)
find . -name target | xargs rm -rf
find . -name target | ls -al
find . -name "*.xml" -print0 | xargs -0 grep 23799
Ctrl-Z bg
Find space hogging files:
sudo su
cd /
find . -size +50000k -exec du -h {} \; > largeFiles
less largeFiles
Monitor TCP traffic:
sudo tcpdump -X -i lo 'port 9042'
sudo tcpdump host
sudo tcpdump port
sudo tcpdump -D to get localhost
sudo tcpdump -i 6.lo port 8500 to watch localhost traffic to port 8500
Keeping process running when exiting SSH:
$ screen
$ cd web/daisycentral
$ node server.js &
$ exit
ext3 32K dirs, ext4 64K dirs, set dir_nlink to exceed 64K
Set dir_nlink:
sudo tune2fs -O dir_nlink /dev/sda7List settings:
sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda7
create dir symlinks to exceed 32K
home dir
cd ~
last dir
cd -
Screen - alternative to nohup
screen -d -R some_session_name
Find all libs in jars:
Find interface speed
dmesg | grep eth0
Kill multiple pids simultaneously
kill -9 {1234,234,4523}
Screen: allows post no-hup and backgrounding of processes
mkdir ~/media/<some-mount-point>
sudo mount ~/some.iso ~/media/<some-mount-point> -o loop
Update interfaces without restarting
vi /etc/network/interfaces
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
ifdown eth0:1
ifup eth0:1
To dynamically change interface mtu
ifconfig eth0 mtu 65520
To identify Ubuntu release
lsb_release -a
To test service in script
nc -z -w5 <host> <port>