Linux/Unix misc bash, profile, sourcing, environment inheritance, et. al. network connection monitoring tcptrack Use the following to avoid coding paths or using environment variables in scripts: BASEDIR=$(dirname $0) Erasing contents of a file with /dev/zero /dev/null /dev/zero Creating a RamDisk List CPUs and types: cat /proc/cpuinfo Filesystem structure Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) chrontab quick reference LD_LIBRARY_PATH - don't set it, set-uid programs ignore it List linked files ldd Iterate what make install will do: make -n install <makefile> Virtual IP configuration: Unix, Linux, Windows HA failover with keepalived: Linux HA through award-winning 'Failover': Solaris, Linux Load balancing/clustering: Window, Linux Ultra Monkey: load balancing and HA To kill process where pid is in file: backtick replaces command with command execution, see bash programming kill `cat pid.file` Reboot Solaris: shutdown -y -i6 -g0 Solaris lo...