SVN command-line
Slik SVN
Basic SVN Commands
Commit template:
svn propedit tsvn:logtemplate .
Set editor in Windows:
set EDITOR=notepad.exe
HowTo Revert trunk/head to older version or use tortoise and right click.
HOTO pull back revision to work on it locally:
For example. Revision 313
Create a patch file by doing the following:
C:\vn>svn diff -r 312:313 > r313.patch
Specify the previous revision up to the revision you want to create a patch for and save it to a file.
Right-click that patch file with TortoiseSVN and apply the patch to your local copy
Basic SVN Commands
--m "message text"
--username <username>
svn help
svn help <command>
svn help co
svn co svn://[@rev]... [path] --username <username>
#check-in / commit - defaults to user who checked-out
svn ci [path...] -m "message text"
svn propset <propname> <propval> <file path...>
svn propset svn:mime-type text/plain <file path>
svn propset svn:eol-style native <file path>
svn add <dir/file path...>
#Copy - Branch/Tag
WC=Working Copy
WC path -> WC path (copy and sched for addition w/history)
WC path -> URL (immediately commit copy of WC to URL)
URL -> WC path (co and sched for addition)
URL -> URL (branch / tag)
svn cp [src path] [dst path] -m "message"
svn mv <src> <dest>
svn delete <remote url... or local path...>
svn up [path...]
svn up -r <revision>
M=Modified or properties modified
R=Scheduled for deletion and replaced in WC
X=present due to external definitions
?=Not under version control
~=versioned as one type of object, but replaced as different type of object
S=Item is switched
K=File is locked in this WC
O=File is locked by another user in another WC
T=Locked in this WC, but lock has been stolen and is invalid
Lock is in repository
only appears with --show-updates
*=A newer revision exists on the server
svn revert [path...]
#cleanup - removes locks, finishes operations
svn cleanup [path...]
#Outstanding changes
svn status [path]
#Current user and revision
svn info
#Restore deleted branch
svn copy svn://host/projects/branches/someBranch@1234 svn://host/projects/branches -m "Restore branch from rev 1234."
Commit template:
svn propedit tsvn:logtemplate .
Set editor in Windows:
set EDITOR=notepad.exe
HowTo Revert trunk/head to older version or use tortoise and right click.
HOTO pull back revision to work on it locally:
For example. Revision 313
Create a patch file by doing the following:
C:\vn>svn diff -r 312:313 > r313.patch
Specify the previous revision up to the revision you want to create a patch for and save it to a file.
Right-click that patch file with TortoiseSVN and apply the patch to your local copy