Ubuntu ODBC

Via Applications : Add/Remove
Installed OpenOffice.org Database

Via System : Administration : Synaptic Package Manager

Installed tdsodbc, unixodbc, unixodbc-bin

Created a freetds.conf per freetds docs

cp /usr/share/libct3/freetds.conf ~/.freetds.conf

Added entry:

[arbitrary name for server/service]
host =
port = 1433
tds version = 5.0

Using unixODBC

Configured Sybase tds driver
sudo ODBCconfig

selected Drivers tab and clicked Add
filled out the form based on tooltips
the drivers are in /usr/lib/odbc
the checkmark at the top is the save button
logged out and logged back in without sudo

The above created /etc/odbcinst.ini with the entry:

[arbitrary name for driver]
Description = Sybase tdsodbc
Driver = /usr/lib/odbc/libtdsodbc.so
Setup = /usr/lib/odbc/libtdsS.so
UsageCount = 1
CPTimeout =
CPReuse =

System DSN tab edits /etc/odbc.ini and creates an entry like:

[arbitrary name for system DSN]
Description = some desc
Driver = tdsodbc
Servername = somename entry from ~/.freetds.conf
Database =
Port = 1433
Trace = no
Tracefile = sql.log

Configured User DSN
select User DSN and click Add
select the driver added previously and click OK
fill out the form based on tooltip

Edits ~/.odbc.ini and creates an entry like:

[arbitrary name for user DSN]
Description = tdsodbc
Driver = tdsodbc
Servername = somename entry from ~/.freetds.conf
Database =
Port = 1433

Use isql command line or run DataManager GUI to verify
isql <DSN> <username> <pwd>

How to configure an odbc text file

Could see text database, but couldn't query it as queries always failed to parse query.

Associate recommended sqsh for Sybase:

sqsh is the 'isql' command (interactive sql command line tool from sybase), but with full command line recal, etc


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