Setting Window title and initial position Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 with Compiz Fusion

Programmatically setting window titles, see forum entry.

Using Escape Sequences To Set Gnome Terminal Options

1. Edit the Terminal Profile (Edit - Profiles - Title and Command Tab), change dynamically-set title option to "replaces initial title".
2. Edit a script file or run on the command line and change the PROMPT_COMMAND line to

PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;"myWindowTitle"\007"'

where (in octal) \033 =>
0 => Ps = 0 (use string as a new icon name and title)
; => non-digit character
string => "myWindowTitle"
\007 => (non-printing character)

The escape sequence I've employed is :-

ESC ] Ps ND string NP OSC Mode
ND can be any non-digit Character (it's discarded)
NP can be any non-printing Character (it's discarded)
string can be any ASCII printable string (max 511 characters)
Ps = 0 -> use string as a new icon name and title
Ps = 1 -> use string is a new icon name only
Ps = 2 -> use string is a new title only
Ps = 46 -> use string as a new log file name

* The escape sequences are listed here

To specify launch position (placement)

System : Preferences : Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

Windows Management : Place Windows plugin

Fixed Window Placement tab

Windows with fixed positions

add new entry and position by window title


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