Saw GTK errors with JConsole running and it seemed slow to respond
Found BLOG entry about slowness with NetBeans and GTK that switching to metal Look an Feel resolved.
Saw some console errors about GTK, switched to Metal L&F and errors were no longer reported.
jconsole -J-Dswing.defaultlaf=javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel&
C:\Progra~1\java\jdk1.6.0_02\bin\jconsole -help
Usage: jconsole [ -interval=n ] [ -notile ] [ -pluginpath ]
[ -version ] [ connection ... ]
-interval Set the update interval to n seconds (default is 4 seconds)
-notile Do not tile windows initially (for two or more connections)
-pluginpath Specify the path that jconsole uses to look up the
-version Print program version
connection = pid || host:port || JMX URL
pid The process id of a target process
host A remote host name or IP address
port The port number for the remote connection
-J Specify the input arguments to the Java virtual machine
on which jconsole is running
Saw some console errors about GTK, switched to Metal L&F and errors were no longer reported.
jconsole -J-Dswing.defaultlaf=javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel&
C:\Progra~1\java\jdk1.6.0_02\bin\jconsole -help
Usage: jconsole [ -interval=n ] [ -notile ] [ -pluginpath
[ -version ] [ connection ... ]
-interval Set the update interval to n seconds (default is 4 seconds)
-notile Do not tile windows initially (for two or more connections)
-pluginpath Specify the path that jconsole uses to look up the
-version Print program version
connection = pid || host:port || JMX URL
pid The process id of a target process
host A remote host name or IP address
port The port number for the remote connection
-J Specify the input arguments to the Java virtual machine
on which jconsole is running