Setting up jvmstat and visualgc in Linux Ubuntu Hardy Heron
download jvmstat
In a terminal, run: gksudo nautilus
That will start a root file manager (GNOME) - graphical file browser with root access
double click the jvmstat download and uncompress it to /usr/local/bin
Copy /usr/local/bin/jvmstat/bin/visualgc to vgc so the command is shorter
edit ~/.bashrc add the following two lines:
export JVMSTAT_JAVA_HOME='/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun'
To run visualgc, from a terminal, run jps to get a list of java process ids, then run vgc
In a terminal, run: gksudo nautilus
That will start a root file manager (GNOME) - graphical file browser with root access
double click the jvmstat download and uncompress it to /usr/local/bin
Copy /usr/local/bin/jvmstat/bin/visualgc to vgc so the command is shorter
edit ~/.bashrc add the following two lines:
export JVMSTAT_JAVA_HOME='/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun'
To run visualgc, from a terminal, run jps to get a list of java process ids, then run vgc