Perm generation memory space
Class information is stored in the perm generation. Also constant strings are stored there. Strings created dynamically in your application with String.intern() will also be stored in the perm generation. Additionally, the hotspot compiled code resides in the perm generation.
Class unloading: every instance has a reference to its class, and every class has a reference to its class loader, and every class loader has a reference to all the classes that it loaded. Usually if you want classes to get unloaded, you have to have thought about that beforehand and set up separate class loaders to allow for that.
you cannot change the configured sizes for the Perm generation during runtime.
The parameters for setting initial and max size are -XX:PermSize=xM and -XX:MaxPermSize=yM.
sub-area of the perm space, called the code cache
separate JVM parameter to also bump up the code cache size
Class information is stored in the perm generation. Also constant strings are stored there. Strings created dynamically in your application with String.intern() will also be stored in the perm generation. Additionally, the hotspot compiled code resides in the perm generation.
Class unloading: every instance has a reference to its class, and every class has a reference to its class loader, and every class loader has a reference to all the classes that it loaded. Usually if you want classes to get unloaded, you have to have thought about that beforehand and set up separate class loaders to allow for that.
you cannot change the configured sizes for the Perm generation during runtime.
The parameters for setting initial and max size are -XX:PermSize=xM and -XX:MaxPermSize=yM.
sub-area of the perm space, called the code cache
separate JVM parameter to also bump up the code cache size