AWS Tips I Wish I'd Known Before I Started DynamoDb is a noSQL schema-less storage. Each entity can have different attributes. Total item/entity size 64 KB (UTF-8), name and value count towards size Maximum tables 256/region/account, can request limit increase No practical limit in table size, bytes or items Attributes are name=value pairs and can be single value or multi-value set Attribute types: String, binary, number (38 digits of precision after the decimal point, and can be between 10^-128 to 10^+126), or sets, no empty values or sets Idempotent conditional updates: only applied if conditions are met, safe to retry in the event of failure to acknowledge Atomic counters: increment/decrement, not idempotent, use conditional for idempotent Consistent reads consume more resources, time, and cost more money (avoid them when possible) Must create indexes when tables are created, can't update, add or delete later Hash key distributes data among resources Range key ...