
Showing posts from February, 2012

Oracle Partitioning

Oracle 11g R2 supports automatic partition management. Creating Partitions White paper

Mounting Red Hat LVM on Ubuntu

$ sudo apt-get install lvm2 $ sudo modprobe dm-mod Scan your system for LVM volumes: $ sudo vgscan Activate the volume: $ sudo vgchange -ay vg_troylt Find the logical volume under LV column: $ sudo lvs Example: LG VG ... lv_root vg_troylt ... Create a mount point for that volume: $ sudo mkdir /mnt/rh_linux Mount it: $ sudo mount /dev/vg_troylt/lv_root /media/rh_linux -o ro,user Credit

Oracle Unbreakable Linux (Red Hat Enterprise)

When installing, put the GRUB1 bootload onto the same partition or it will replace the Ubuntu GRUB2 bootloader. When launching enter 'c' at grub menu to go into command line. Enter chainloader (hd0, and hit tab to list the partition options. Select the Red Hat partition # (label it for easy identification) and close the command with )+1 chainloader (hd0, msdos4)+1 boot The firewall is not open for port 1521. Make sure to set ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_HOME_LISTENER in oracle .bash_profile Use dbstart and dbshut to start and shutdown the database Have to edit /etc/hosts to associate the host name and IP address, have to update it when DHCP changes. Have to edit tns listener config file to point to the correct hostname or IP or it won't start. Customizing Grub2 menu: Edit: /etc/grub.d/40_custom Add: menuentry "Redhat" { insmod ext2 set root=(hd0,3) linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic root=/dev/sda3 ro initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-24-generic } Update grub2 menu: sud...

Oracle Kill Sessions

Disconnect sessions: select * from v$session; --single node select * from gv$session; --RAC, multi-node alter system kill session 'sid,serial#'; BEGIN FOR c IN ( SELECT s.inst_id, s.sid, s.serial#, p.spid, s.username, s.program, s.machine, s.process, s.status, s.schemaname FROM gv$session s JOIN gv$process p ON p.addr = s.paddr AND p.inst_id = s.inst_id WHERE s.type != 'BACKGROUND' and s.USERNAME='SOME USER NAME' ) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter system kill session ''' || c.sid || ',' || c.serial# || ''''; END LOOP; END;

Oracle 11g on Ubuntu 11.10