
Showing posts from July, 2010

Bluetooth sensor project

Java bluetooth API Java bluetooth API part 2 Java Bluetooth library Bluetooth sensor project Bluetooth serial adapter USB Bluetooth adapter $17.95 USB Bluetooth adapter $8.99 BlueTooth RFID reader Bluetooth Ardunio board Bluetooth Mate and bluetooth command set and specs Class 2 $18.95 Class 2 $21.50

Ubuntu 9.10 partitioning issues

Can't manipulate partitions. FATAL ERROR: Bad logical partition 6: enlarged logical partitions overlap Was trying to fix grub2 Was able to resolve it by rebooting and deleting one partition, then unable to delete the next, but after rebooting could delete one more. Continued until they were all removed, then recreated them.

Bloom filter for key value storage

bloom filter provides quicker resolution for key value storage used by google big table

Technology choices

Okta - Building your house on a rock Java -> eye on Scala Tomcat JQuery Spring Hibernate MySQL Cloud IAAS Muti-Tenancy high up in the application

Ubuntu automate display settings

HOWTO /etc/X11/xorg.conf xrandr --output DFP1 --mode 1280x768 xrandr --output DFP_EXTTMDS --mode 1776x1000 left 1280x768 right 1776x1000 Virtual 3200 1091 xrandr --output DFP1 --mode 1280x1024 xrandr --output DFP_EXTTMDS --mode 1920x1080 left 1280x1024 right 1920x1080

Ubuntu 10.04 64 Flash player


Android as uController

Serial cable Android - ardunio robot

Compiz Fusion

Scale plugin shows all windows on single screen for selection and then takes you to the appropriate desktop showing the window.