Using Google App Engine and Google distributed BigTable storage Amazon S3 S3 scaling, performance, and retries hadoop HBase Hadoop Database - BigTable Cascading Google BigTable Webservice Terracotta Terracotta EhCache example Nirvanix Storage Delivery Network Mosso Rackspace Sherpa - Yahoo Cloud Storage - CAP theorem Yahoo Developer Network Blog Cloudies Awards apache-cassandra Notes on Distributed Keystores MySQL Project Voldemort LightCloud CouchDB Tokyo Cabinet Google BigTable: One big difference between BigTable and relational databases is how transactions are handled. Row-level transactions are possible in BigTable, but not any other type of transactions. The unsung hero of the day that really makes BigTable shine, however, is Chubby. Chubby is a lock-providing service that is highly available and allows many difficult design decisions to be abstracted away from BigTable. When a BigTable server (master or slave) comes up, it reserves a lock through Chubby with its name and path, a...