HAProxy syslogd logging alternative
HAProxy uses syslogd which was not trivial to configure. I wrote a UDP logger that takes a bind address and port and logs all UDP packets via log4j DailyRollingFileAppender. startLogger.sh #!/bin/bash java -cp log4j-1.2.15.jar:udp_logger-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar UdpLogger localhost 11088 & echo $! > haproxy.udp_logger.pid shutdownLogger.sh #!/bin/bash if [ -e haproxy.udp_logger.pid ] ; then vpid=`cat haproxy.udp_logger.pid` else echo "no pid file, exiting" exit fi if [ -n "$vpid" ] ; then exists=`ps -ef | grep $vpid | grep -v "grep"` echo $exists else echo "no pid found, exiting" fi if [ -n "$exists" ] ; then echo "kill $vpid" kill $vpid while ps -p $vpid > /dev/null; do sleep 1; done else echo "pid process not found to kill, exiting" fi restartLogger.sh #!/bin/bash ./shutdownLogger.sh ./startLogger.sh On Solaris in /etc/rc2.d install startup / shutdown links ln -s /usr/local/util/udp_logger/s...